When we left our intrepid characters, Philippe had stupidly and against all sense, charged off on his own, in the night, without guards (yeah, this would never happen) to the Bastille to find out who this mysterious Duc de Sullun is. And promptly got hit on the nopper. Louis meanwhile, thinks he is hot shit because of all the awesome… Read more »
So, here we are, mes amis. The final season of Versailles. I had much antipathy coming into my reviews, because I have heard things that frankly, had me in a bad mood before I even began. And so, a warning. There is MUCH I dislike about this season, and so, much ranting will ensue. I do not do this lightly…. Read more »
If you can count on anything, it’s Danish cheese to be excellent, Aussies to be obnoxiously “AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!” at sporting events and the British tabloids to get all outraged and ‘OMG how very DARE THEY!” when it comes to nudity on television. And Lordy, do they LOOOOOVE getting all apoplectic about Versailles. The news du jour (well, this week)… Read more »
The 21st of September marks the 377th birthday of Philippe de France, duc d’Orléans, and brother to Louis XIV. And so I wrote a little something in his honour. Enjoy xx Philippe de France, frère unique de roi I stand here, just like all the others, a mere observer to the glorious miracle that is our Sun King. Louis Dieudonné…. Read more »
So here we are. The finale of Season 2. I hope you’re sitting down because there is A LOT to unpack in this ep. So let us get right to it without further ado. We begin with Montespan in her rooms, in tears, topless and furiously scrubbing herself from a basin. It is clear she is frantic and upset, and… Read more »
Bonjour, amis! Before we start on this recap, there’s a few things I have to draw your attention to. It appears to me (correct me if I’m wrong) that Season 2 plays out over a few months. I mean, I don’t see any winter scenes/change of season, any person looking visibly older or any other indications of the massive passing… Read more »
EPISODE 8 Huzzah! We are on our way back to Versailles! Louis is gonna kick some ass now! The salons will be reopened, the wine will flow, the queen will have to relinquish her little despot ways and things will be joyous again. Right? ….right….? Well, we open with a lovely galloping horses sequence, through water and woods and with… Read more »
I must remember, it is 1674. I have absolutely NO CLUE why I thought it was 1670… maybe one of the cast members in an interview? No Idea. But four years later on from Henriette’s death puts us firmly in 1674. We left Louis and William of Orange together in an abbey, didn’t we? And here we are again, in… Read more »
So, where are we? Still in 1670? I am assuming so, but since the Franco Dutch war didn’t happen until 1672 I could totally be mistaken. Anyway, the ep opens with Louis staring down a telescope – apparently invented by the Dutch – at the enemy lines, who are standing a great distance from the French and drumming away. Louis doesn’t… Read more »
Before we start, let us recap where we are in actual historical events, which are very much different to the show and quite an interesting comparison. Assuming we are mid-to late 1670, these are the facts: Montespan is 30 years old (pushing it a bit by 17th century standards), has been Louis’ mistress for three years and has already borne… Read more »
So we have left Marchal with a knife in his chest… and of course, he pulls it out (noooo!) and yells for the guards. They take him to Claudine and she gets him on the table … business as usual, then. Will he live? “You are a very lucky man…. either your heart is not where it’s supposed to be,… Read more »
After all the hand wringing from the British media about Canal Plus’ Versailles being waaaay too sexy (read: bordering-on-porn filthy) and the French being so totally blasé about the whole thing (there was not much from Australia or the rest of Europe about the nekkidness either – Australia were more fixated on the glorious hair 😀 ) , I got… Read more »