Before we start, let us recap where we are in actual historical events, which are very much different to the show and quite an interesting comparison. Assuming we are mid-to late 1670, these are the facts: Montespan is 30 years old (pushing it a bit by 17th century standards), has been Louis’ mistress for three years and has already borne… Read more »
So we have left Marchal with a knife in his chest… and of course, he pulls it out (noooo!) and yells for the guards. They take him to Claudine and she gets him on the table … business as usual, then. Will he live? “You are a very lucky man…. either your heart is not where it’s supposed to be,… Read more »
Mes amis, before we get on to the review, I have to tell you I have now watched the entire Season 2 and I have issues. I have feels and rage and conflict. And boy, do I have OPINIONS. Opinions like I have never had before about a TV show. (okay, maybe except Firefly…. #NeverOverIt ) But I will not… Read more »
Yes, I am still watching the French version. *sigh* but I have been helped along by some discussion on our Versailles Fan Group and via my lovely Twitter followers 🙂 CanalPlus in their wisdom, decided to screen two eps on the one night and I didn’t realise until Aurora told me, so I scrambled and totally missed the intro UGH…. Read more »
Oui. As I watched the first two eps of Versailles in the early hours of 28th March and cursed my 13yo self for not paying attention in French class, I suddenly realised I could still write the review because a) I kind of know the story and a few words of French, and b) the actors are so expressive, it is… Read more »
After all the hand wringing from the British media about Canal Plus’ Versailles being waaaay too sexy (read: bordering-on-porn filthy) and the French being so totally blasé about the whole thing (there was not much from Australia or the rest of Europe about the nekkidness either – Australia were more fixated on the glorious hair 😀 ) , I got… Read more »
Which scene is that, I hear you ask? Ohhhh, this one: I have read a few articles and comments now about this scene. Some say it is rape and without consent, others say it is a forced seduction, others see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Others have analysed it from a modern perspective and still others discuss it in historical… Read more »
So with Versailles about to hit the British screens in a few hours, Twitter has been inundated with articles, reviews and think pieces about the show…. and as you can imagine, they have pretty much been focusing on the sex aspect. So I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and give my 2c worth. Because unlike most of these journalists,… Read more »
Here it is, mes amis! The final review of the finale of Versailles. My sources tell me that sadly, we will have to wait until March 2017 (Yes, NEXT YEAR!!!) for Season 2. I am sobbing. In between re-watching S1, of course. So anyways, off we go. And remember you can also start at the beginning and read my reviews of… Read more »
For reviews of previous eps, you can read them here: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight. SPOILER ALERT!!!! So don’t read if you don’t like that kind of thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. EPISODE NINE Nearly finished, mes amis! Get reading for loads of stuff culminating for the final ep. We open with Louis taking… Read more »
For reviews of previous eps, you can read them here: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven. And yes, they are major spoiler-y plus I also talk about the characters and plot and dialogue from a writer’s point of view. EPISODE EIGHT We left the last episode with the Chevalier in jail as a traitor for conspiring to overthrow… Read more »
Read my previous reviews in order – One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six. And remember, every one of these has major spoilers, so if you haven’t watched them yet (or deeply care about having story details revealed), consider this a warning. I have to premise this review with a confession – this ep and the next were the two… Read more »