The 21st of September marks the 377th birthday of Philippe de France, duc d’Orléans, and brother to Louis XIV. And so I wrote a little something in his honour. Enjoy xx Philippe de France, frère unique de roi I stand here, just like all the others, a mere observer to the glorious miracle that is our Sun King. Louis Dieudonné…. Read more »
Bonjour, amis! Before we start on this recap, there’s a few things I have to draw your attention to. It appears to me (correct me if I’m wrong) that Season 2 plays out over a few months. I mean, I don’t see any winter scenes/change of season, any person looking visibly older or any other indications of the massive passing… Read more »
I make stuff up for fun and (sometimes) profit. So it was quite a different world I dove into when my partner in crime Aurora von Goeth said we should write a biography on Louis XIV. Mucho scribbling immediately began, and now, many many months later, and with one hell of a learning curve behind us, we are proud to… Read more »
Mes amis, before we get on to the review, I have to tell you I have now watched the entire Season 2 and I have issues. I have feels and rage and conflict. And boy, do I have OPINIONS. Opinions like I have never had before about a TV show. (okay, maybe except Firefly…. #NeverOverIt ) But I will not… Read more »
Yes, I am still watching the French version. *sigh* but I have been helped along by some discussion on our Versailles Fan Group and via my lovely Twitter followers 🙂 CanalPlus in their wisdom, decided to screen two eps on the one night and I didn’t realise until Aurora told me, so I scrambled and totally missed the intro UGH…. Read more »
I’d been anticipating it for months, and finally, December had rolled around and it was finally here! YAY! I am talking about the National Gallery of Australia‘s Versailles Exhibit, a joint event run by the NGA and the chateau de Versailles. From December until April, we Aussies get to experience a little bit of French culture, with more than 130 items… Read more »
Anyone familiar with the TV show Who Do You Think You Are? knows the drill – featured celebrities go on the hunt for their history, diving into the past and discovering really interesting things about relatives long gone. I recently watched the Martin Freeman ep (he of Sherlock and The Hobbit) who, during the course of discovering his great grandparents from the… Read more »
So with Versailles about to hit the British screens in a few hours, Twitter has been inundated with articles, reviews and think pieces about the show…. and as you can imagine, they have pretty much been focusing on the sex aspect. So I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and give my 2c worth. Because unlike most of these journalists,… Read more »
For reviews of previous eps, you can read them here: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven. And yes, they are major spoiler-y plus I also talk about the characters and plot and dialogue from a writer’s point of view. EPISODE EIGHT We left the last episode with the Chevalier in jail as a traitor for conspiring to overthrow… Read more »
Need an earlier episode fix? See my reviews here of One, Two, Three, Four and Five. EPISODE SIX So now the nobles are flooding to Versailles and we open with a magnificent view of the palace under construction (excellent CGI!) and Louis, Philippe and an entourage taking in the building. Louis explains that the nobles and their families will be… Read more »
After earlier reviews of Versailles? Read them in order, they’ll make more sense: Episode One, Two, Three and Four. EPISODE FIVE The scene opens on a bloody battlefield, Philippe cradling his dead horse. Everyone slain. He is clearly shellshocked, with dead eyes and a blank expression, staring off into space. Interspersed with this desolate scene is another – Louis in his tent, dressed… Read more »
If you haven’t already, read my reviews of Episode One, Two and Three. EPISODE FOUR Enter Louis (with a cut on his forehead – “from a hunting accident” we learn later. Very curious but we never actually find out how/why this happened). He is absolutely livid with the news that his friends, the Parthenays have been brutally murdered on his… Read more »