Yes, I am still watching the French version. *sigh* but I have been helped along by some discussion on our Versailles Fan Group and via my lovely Twitter followers 🙂 CanalPlus in their wisdom, decided to screen two eps on the one night and I didn’t realise until Aurora told me, so I scrambled and totally missed the intro UGH…. Read more »
Oui. As I watched the first two eps of Versailles in the early hours of 28th March and cursed my 13yo self for not paying attention in French class, I suddenly realised IÂ could still write the review because a) I kind of know the story and a few words of French, and b) the actors are so expressive, it is… Read more »
I’d been anticipating it for months, and finally, December had rolled around and it was finally here! YAY! I am talking about the National Gallery of Australia‘s Versailles Exhibit, a joint event run by the NGA and the chateau de Versailles. From December until April, we Aussies get to experience a little bit of French culture, with more than 130Â items… Read more »
As I watch  and live-tweet really really bad TV (the Village People’s Can’t Stop the Music) after the 12-minute spectacle of fireworks on Sydney Harbour, I would like to wish everyone a happy new year, and I hope you all stay safe, laugh lots and have joy in your lives.  Keep striving for your dreams, however big or small they… Read more »
And so, I would like to share the little gift Aurora and I have made for all you lovely people to show our appreciation for all the likes, comments and tweets throughout the year. All the treats are Versailles and 17th century France-related, so we hope it’s new and unique and interesting for you. But be warned, you cannot click ahead… Read more »
Anyone familiar with the TV show Who Do You Think You Are? knows the drill – featured celebrities go on the hunt for their history, diving into the past and discovering really interesting things about relatives long gone. I recently watched the Martin Freeman ep (he of Sherlock and The Hobbit) who, during the course of discovering his great grandparents from the… Read more »
Which scene is that, I hear you ask? Ohhhh, this one: I have read a few articles and comments now about this scene. Some say it is rape and without consent, others say it is a forced seduction, others see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Others have analysed it from a modern perspective and still others discuss it in historical… Read more »
So with Versailles about to hit the British screens in a few hours, Twitter has been inundated with articles, reviews and think pieces about the show…. and as you can imagine, they have pretty much been focusing on the sex aspect. So I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and give my 2c worth. Because unlike most of these journalists,… Read more »
Here it is, mes amis! The final review of the finale of Versailles. My sources tell me that sadly, we will have to wait until March 2017 (Yes, NEXT YEAR!!!) for Season 2. I am sobbing. In between re-watching S1, of course. So anyways, off we go.  And remember you can also start at the beginning and read my reviews of… Read more »
For reviews of previous eps, you can read them here: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight.  SPOILER ALERT!!!!  So don’t read if you don’t like that kind of thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. EPISODE NINE Nearly finished, mes amis!  Get reading for loads of stuff culminating for the final ep. We open with Louis taking… Read more »
For reviews of previous eps, you can read them here: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven. And yes, they are major spoiler-y plus I also talk about the characters and plot and dialogue from a writer’s point of view. EPISODE EIGHT We left the last episode with the Chevalier in jail as a traitor for conspiring to overthrow… Read more »